As the world of marketing is changing, so are the ways in which we can reach out to our audiences. One of the most important changes that have come along with it is the amount of data available to us.

We have more data than ever before and it’s not just marketing data either – it’s consumer data, demographic data, location-based analytics; all these things can be used for visual marketing.

The use of big data and analytics has become an integral part of the marketing process for many tech companies. Nowadays, these companies are using it to make their products more appealing to customers and also by visualizing their marketing in a way that can easily impact and influence target audiences.

Visual marketing is a powerful tool for engagement, conversion, and retention. Big data analytics can help improve the effectiveness of visual marketing by providing insights into customers’ behavior on social media and e-commerce websites.

Let us explore the top five ways big data and analytics help tech companies market their products visually.

Where to Market?

Tech companies can use big data and analytics to figure out which marketing channels are generating the most leads for them so that they know where to invest their money, effort, and time.

Know that customers are the key to success for any business, after all everything comes down to sales and growth. This is what each company strives for at the end of the day. Thus, it is important to reach people where they are instead of being in places where your existing and potential customers don’t hang out.

Among the many online means to market a tech-based company, social media is the most trending channel of all. Note that 45.1% of B2B marketers said they leverage social media for marketing. Are you using social networking platforms also?

Nevertheless, with the help of big data tech startups can analyze the customers’ behavior and preferences in order to make a decision about which channel would be more suitable for them.

Big data has been successfully used in many cases by companies. For example, it was applied by Verizon Wireless when they wanted to determine which channels of marketing would be the best for their customers: TV advertising or online advertising.

Once the channel is decided, it becomes rather easier for graphic designers to create visuals (images and videos) that comply with the norm of the platform. For instance, what you make for television will be completely different from what you create for YouTube.

Why is Big Data Important for Visual Marketing?

Big data has become increasingly important with the rise of social media and mobile apps. With these tools, people are constantly creating content that can be used to create better marketing strategies. Big data helps marketers understand their customers better by analyzing customer behavior on social and mobile platforms.

Visual marketing is the fastest-growing segment in the marketing industry. It has become an integral part of brand strategy, and marketers are using it to increase their customer base and generate more leads. As visual content becomes more popular, marketers are using big data analytics for visual marketing to get a better understanding of their customer’s preferences and needs.

Analyzing big data helps marketers brand and market tech products and services in a way that doesn’t waste company resources. If you know who to market, where to market, and how to market then you’re saving your time, money, and effort from getting wasted.
There are many startups that have found innovative ways to use big data analytics for visual marketing. These startups use software tools and algorithms to find patterns, insights, and correlations in their datasets that would otherwise be missed by human analysts.
Big data is important for visual marketing because it offers companies the ability to understand their customers better. It also allows them to use data that they have collected to develop targeted marketing campaigns.
Studying big data help designers and marketers create and distribute visuals (videos, photographs, illustrations, infographics, images) that will best resonate with their target audience.
Analyzing what triggers your target customers to choose a product helps with designing them in a way that is attractive and convincing. Such data can aid in creating product packaging that sells.

Tips to Improve Visual Marketing Using Big Data Analytics

The world today heavily relies on data. While it may seem that marketing campaigns rely on visual aesthetics, we cannot ignore how much they depend on big data analytics.

Here are some quick tips to improve your visual marketing using big data analytics:

1) Use an artificial intelligence tool to analyze consumer behavior by focusing your attention on social media, email marketing, and other forms of marketing platforms and strategies. A report predicts that businesses driven by artificial intelligence will expand to around $4 trillion in 2022 because the technology is increasingly becoming helpful in gathering and evaluating data about online customers.

Explore: How Artificial Intelligence Has Changed The Way We Design

2) Monitor your competitors to see what they’re doing regarding visual marketing tactics that are working for them in the niche you’re targeting. Use analytical tools that help you gauge data regarding SEM, SMM, SEO, and PPC. For example, Hewlett Packard and Dell are two tech competitors who ought to keep an eye on each other’s marketing campaigns in order to stand out when it comes to laptops.

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3) Understand customer needs by using big data to analyze what your audience gets attracted to. Monitor impressions and clicks to know what kind of visuals are getting traction. Telecommunications company, AT&T uses big data analytics for better omnichannel marketing strategies and improved customer experience by examining data from a variety of different domains.

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4) Use big data in a visual campaign by analyzing the effectiveness of different images based on how they perform on social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and Pinterest. For example, IBM has kept the thumbnail of their stories consistent in blue and white.

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On the other hand, Adobe doesn’t have a set pattern for how the stories covers should look.

5) Big data can help tech companies make better decisions about pricing and promotions by analyzing how much demand there is for certain products at different price points. With regards to visual marketing, this will help them push products that need attention in a way that they stand out.

The use of big data and analytics in the marketing industry has become a necessity. With the help of these tools, tech companies are able to provide their customers with a better experience and by doing so, they also get to grow their customer base. For example, Amazon uses the massive amount of data available to the retail giant on customer names, addresses, search histories, and payments that they put to use in marketing algorithms.

Tip: Understanding customers is key to successful marketing.

When you are trying to sell a product or service, you need to show it off in the best way possible. It makes your product or service look more attractive and appealing to potential customers.

Big data has helped marketers get smarter about what they are doing. They can use data to figure out the best ways to market their products, who they should be targeting with marketing messages, what kind of content they should be creating for their target audiences.

Apple, for example, uses big data to know when and where its products like iPads and iWatches are being used by customers. Based on this, the company decided to work on new features and the data also helps the tech giant to focus on which element of the design to market more.

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Visual Marketing Tools For Tech Companies

Visual marketing has been an effective way to attract and engage consumers. The right visual marketing tools can help turn an ordinary advertisement into a captivating story.

Visuals are more than just eye-catching, they are also a powerful tool for marketers to tell the story of their product or service. Since visuals are one of the most important aspects of any marketing campaign, it is vital that companies invest in the right visual marketing tools.

Tech businesses can use these tools in many different ways, for example, to create product catalogs, to make their website more interactive, or to design infographics.

Creatopy can be used for creating web banner ads.
Venngage can be used for making infographics.
Lumen5 can be used for creating videos.
ZillionDesigns can be used for customized professional visuals.

These are just a few tools that can come in handy when marketing visually. In case you don’t know, a visual marketing tool is software that helps marketers create, publish, and manage engaging visuals to produce a marketing plan.

Visual marketing tools are one of the best ways to get your message across and they are more effective than text-based content. There is a wide variety of different types of visuals that you can use in your marketing strategy.

Comics and cartoons

After creating these, tech startups can put them on their social media platforms, website design interface, email marketing templates, and display ads.

Why Tech Companies are Using Big Data for Marketing

As a result of the recent technological innovations, marketing has become more data-driven. The use of big data in marketing has been on the rise for a while now. It is used in areas like customer service, product development, marketing, and sales to name a few. It is also used to monitor customer behaviors, preferences, and buying habits.

Some of the ways that top tech companies are using big data for marketing are:

To understand customer preferences and find out what they want.
To create content that is customized to suit individual customers’ tastes.
To create personalized experiences for customers by predicting their next purchase, which in turn leads to increased customer loyalty.

Companies like Amazon, Google, Facebook, and Netflix have been using big data for marketing for years now. They use it to find out what their customers want and how they can provide them with better experiences.

Marketing is all about understanding your customer and knowing how they behave so that you can create an experience that they will enjoy and remember – which is why it’s so important for tech startups to utilize big data and analytics in order to succeed.

Data is the fuel of the future. It can be used in different ways to make a company more efficient, more profitable, and more agile. Big data analytics is one of the most important tools that companies have at their disposal today.

With the help of big data analysis, technology companies can optimize their branding and marketing designs to increase conversions and create a strong connection with customers.

How are you using big data analysis to market your tech startup?

The post 5 Ways Big Data and Analytics Can Help Tech Startups Market Their Products Visually appeared first on ZD Blog.

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